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Saturday, January 16, 2010

"Bad Credit" Credit Cards: How You Can Avoid High Fees

Individuals with problematic credit histories often suffer unfairly from high mortgage, insurance, and car loan rates. On top of that, they have difficulty getting approved for credit cards. The whole situation can get extremely frustrating. Frequently, I get emails from consumers wondering what they can do to rebuild their credit. The first thing I tell them is to get a credit card designed for people with bad credit. The second thing I tell them is written in bold: READ THE FINE PRINT.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Pre-structured Settlement Loans for Medical Malpractice

Medical Malpractice lawsuits are one of the most common lawsuit types in the United States of America. They also tend to be one of the longest lawsuits when it comes to trials. This is the main reason why most medical malpractice suits end up in a settlement agreement; which in turn results in a structured settlement. Many people don’t realize they have an option in a medical malpractice suit to obtain funds. If you’re currently in the middle of a pending medical malpractice lawsuit you can obtain a settlement loan instead of reaching an early settlement agreement; alternately if you’ve accepted a structured settlement plan you can receive a large sum payment.

A settlement loan is an excellent choice if your medical malpractice lawsuit is still pending. It allows you to receive a cash advance based on the merit and probability of winning your current suit. It allows you not only to pay any pending medical bills, it allows you to let your case’s trial go on till the end and not settlement for a lower amount that is rightfully due to you. In case you lose your lawsuit you don’t have to worry. You are not required to pay back the settlement loan if the case is lost! This makes a settlement loan a priority over a traditional loan in this case.

A structured settlement buyout is an excellent choice if you’ve settled your malpractice lawsuit or the trial has ended in a verdict of your choice. A structured settlement buyout is basically a company or investor giving you a large one sum payment in return for your structured settlement payments. This is usually around 60% to 70% of the actual structured settlement amount. This is a great choice for anyone who needs cash now to take care of financial issues or to perhaps buy a new home.

Either way, a settlement loan or a structured settlement buyout is an excellent way for someone to get access to the financial funds they need for any given situation. They are better alternatives than traditional loans since you’ll be stuck making monthly payments with interest on top of them. Consult with a financial advisor prior to accepting any agreements, whether it be a settlement loan or a structured settlement buyout.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Unsecured Loans and Alternatives

Unsecured loans can be very difficult to get. There are many factors a bank is going to consider that might make it impossible for you to achieve a positive response about unsecured loans.

Unsecured loans are loans for a business where the company doesn’t have to put up any collateral for the loan. These unsecured loans are common for very successful businesses that show a lot of revenue and assets. It is very difficult for most people who want an unsecured loan for a business to get a good response from a bank if they don’t meet many different stipulations of unsecured loans.

The unsecured loans stipulations usually required from a bank when you are asking for unsecured loans usually require good credit. You must have a high credit score for some of the unsecured loans. The company must have a proven track record of high revenues and success for the past year or two for some of the unsecured loans. The company must show more assets than liabilities and not be in the negative on the books in any way to receive most unsecured loans.

There are alternatives to unsecured loans if lenders are not seeing the big picture that you do. The best alternative to a lender giving you money is through a friend or a family member. If you have a friend or a family member who has the money to help you with the money you need then you won’t have to worry about getting turned away from the banks. A friend or family member also won’t charge you large interest rates like a bank will on unsecured loans.

Another alternative to unsecured loans is by finding government grants for your small business. There is millions of dollars that goes unclaimed every year and if you can get a grant you won’t even have to repay the money but show the government that you spent it on your business. This is an excellent idea for any type of small business because you don’t have to pay all grants back like unsecured loans. Grants are free money the government sets aside for small businesses as a way to stimulate the local economy. Most small business owners never consider business grants before they ask a lender for unsecured loans.

For more information about unsecured loans and how everyone can be approved please visit

Monday, November 30, 2009

Bad Credit Loans - Where Bad Credit Does Not Stand in the Way

Bad credit can plague your financial aspirations and you will be hard put to borrow money through conventional loans as long as it says in your credit report. But bad credit has become so common that it cannot be shunted aside any longer. The lending world has learned to accept the staggering reality that there are millions of borrowers who have unfavorable credit. And so, loans which embrace such borrowers have been devised. These loans are known by the name of bad credit loans.

Bad credit loans are those loans which are provided to bad credit holder for their personal use. They accept all kinds of bad credit cases including the following:

* Arrears
* Defaults
* Late payments
* Unpaid credit card bills, store card bills or utility bills
* County Court Judgments
* Individual Voluntary Arrangements
* Bankruptcy.

You can also apply for this loan if you happen to have a low credit score. Having a FICO credit score below 580 is considered as having a low score.

Bad credit loans are available under both secured and unsecured options. You can choose either depending upon your requirements and your personal judgment. If you go for a secured form of bad credit loan, then you will have to provide collateral by pledging an asset. Such a guarantee can get you a big loan amount- in the range of £5000 to £100000 with a long repayment that can be anytime from 5 to 30 years. An unsecured option has a loan amount limited to £25000 and a repayment term shortened to 10 years at the most. The interest rate will be higher in this case as you are not pledging any asset of yours.

Bad credit loans are provided by many lending institutions. You should take advantage of this large number of lenders. Not all of them charge the same rate. By getting quotes through their online sites and comparing them, you can find a deal that charges rates which are more affordable for you.

Bad credit loans are the loans through which your personal ventures can be financed. With the timely completion of your repayment obligation, you will also find that your credit has considerably improved.

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Bad Credit Loans - Pulls Your Bad Days Away

For coping up with several occasions and financial needs often people end up taking too many debts and the outcome is that they acquire bad credit records. Avoiding bad credit record has become a kind of impossible task and therefore, one under such circumstances should think about his way ahead, in stead of getting depressed. The bad credit loans are implemented for helping such bad credit record holders only and one can easily get his problems solved with these loans.

Bad credit loans are approved for credit conditions like:

* Skipping of installments.

* Late payment.

* Country Court Judgments.

* Bankruptcy.

* Arrears.

Bad Credit Loans are secured and unsecured. A secured bad credit loan requires collateral and you can keep anything; land, home, car or any other acceptable property as collateral. Bad Credit secured loan allows you to borrow large and pay lower in the form of interest with an added bonus of longer repayment tenure. Loan amount in such loans ranges from £5,000 to £75,000 and the tenure varies from 5 to 25 years.

However, in unsecured bad credit loans you have to keep nothing as collateral. As there is no use of property evaluation, the approval procedure is much faster. Though the rate of interest is a bit higher, through extensive market research you can easily get it on comparatively low rate of interest. Amount offered in these loans ranges from £1,000 to £25,000 for a term of 1 to 10 years.

Therefore, one must be skillful and careful in picking the bad credit loans as one single deal can change your luck. Bad credit loans help the bad credit holders a lot in improving their credit status. Paying every previous debt in one time is made possible by these loans because a huge amount of money is generally offered by these. Once you can improve your credit rating no further problem will arise on your way in getting the appropriate loan.

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